“Man Vs Bear” host Casey Anderson explains why it’s important to put grizzly bears on TV. Then, you’ll learn about the real reason why people choose gifts — and it’s not to satisfy the giftees. In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following story from Curiosity.com about how most people pick gifts to wow rather than to satisfy: https://curiosity.im/2YLp9mh More about Man Vs. Bear: Man Vs. Bear on Discovery — https://www.discovery.com/shows/man-vs-bear Get to know Bart, Honey Bump, and Tank, the grizzly athletes of Man Vs. Bear [VIDEO] — https://go.discovery.com/tv-shows/man-vs-bear/full-episodes/bart-honey-bump-and-tank More about Casey Anderson on Discovery — https://www.discovery.com/profiles/casey-anderson Casey Anderson’s official website — http://caseyanderson.tv/ Follow @Grizanderson on Twitter — https://twitter.com/Grizanderson Follow @grizzlyguy on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/grizzlyguy/ Amazon smart speaker users: you can listen to our podcast as part of your Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing! Just click or tap “enable” here: https://curiosity.im/podcast-flash-briefing.
“Man Vs Bear” host Casey Anderson explains why it’s important to put grizzly bears on TV. Then, you’ll learn about the real reason why people choose gifts — and it’s not to satisfy the giftees.
In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following story from Curiosity.com about how most people pick gifts to wow rather than to satisfy: https://curiosity.im/2YLp9mh
More about Man Vs. Bear:
Amazon smart speaker users: you can listen to our podcast as part of your Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing! Just click or tap “enable” here: https://curiosity.im/podcast-flash-briefing.
Find episode transcript here: https://curiosity-daily-4e53644e.simplecast.com/episodes/grizzlies-are-real-life-superheroes-w-man-vs-bear-host-casey-anderson-and-how-people-really-pick-gifts
CODY: Hi! We’re here from curiosity-dot-com to help you get smarter in just a few minutes. I’m Cody Gough.
ASHLEY: And I’m Ashley Hamer. Today, you’ll learn about why it’s important to put grizzly bears on TV, from “Man Vs Bear” host Casey Anderson. Then, you’ll learn about the real reason why people choose gifts — and it’s not to satisfy the giftees.
CODY: Let’s satisfy some curiosity.
Casey Anderson 2 — Ethics of Man Vs Bear and protecting grizzlies (2 segments) 12/18 (Cody)
Putting grizzly bears on TV could help save their lives. That’s according to Casey Anderson, one of the hosts of the brand-new show “Man Vs Bear” on Discovery Channel. Yesterday on our podcast, you heard how passionate Casey is about grizzly bears; after all, he’s been working with them for more than 25 years. So we asked him straight-up: why is it okay to have bears compete on a TV show? Is it ethical to turn bears into TV stars? And Casey gave us one of the most amazing answers basically ever.
[CLIP 4:42]
How CAN a human compete with a superhero? To find out, you’ll just have to tune into Man Vs Bear, Wednesdays at 9pm Eastern on Discovery Channel and Discovery GO.
ASHLEY: Today’s episode is sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. CODY: Everyone knows about the risks of driving drunk. You could get in a crash. People could get hurt or killed. But let’s take a moment to look at some surprising statistics. Almost 29 people in the United States die every day in alcohol-impaired vehicle crashes. That’s one person every 50 minutes. Even though drunk-driving fatalities have fallen by a third in the last three decades, drunk driving crashes still claim more than 10,000 lives each year.
ASHLEY: Many people are unaware that driving while high can be just as dangerous. In 2015, 42% of drivers killed in crashes tested positive for drugs. Not so harmless after all, is it? And get this, from 2007 to 2015, marijuana use among drivers killed in crashes doubled. The truth is driving while high is deadly. So, stop kidding yourself. If you’re impaired from alcohol or drugs, don’t get behind the wheel. If you feel different you drive different. Drive high get a DUI.
CODY: Drive sober or get pulled over.
Most People Pick Gifts to Wow Rather Than to Satisfy, According to a Study https://curiosity.com/topics/most-people-pick-gifts-to-wow-rather-than-to-satisfy-according-to-a-study-curiosity (due from freelancer 12/6) (in this doc) (Ashley)
A new study suggests that there’s a pretty interesting reason why we give the gifts we give. ‘Tis the season for giving gifts, so what a perfect time to talk about it! Here’s the thing: if you’re like a lot of adults, your wish list is probably pretty humdrum. Maybe you want a few odds and ends you need around the house, like socks or a blender. At the same time, if you’re like most people, then you’re always searching for the perfect gift to give. So why do most of us search for something different and exciting to give our friends and family when, let’s be honest, will probably result in a few seconds of excitement, and then be put away with all the other flashy gifts we don’t really need?
According to a study published in Psychological Science, it's because we get more pleasure out of the surprise and delight we see on their faces than we do from the satisfaction our gifts give them in the long run.
The online study asked 357 participants to imagine themselves either as giving a gift to a couple or being part of the couple receiving a gift. The gift options were two pairs of mugs, similarly priced, but one set was personalized with the couple's names and wedding date and the other pair was ergonomically designed to make them pleasant to hold.
Both givers and receivers thought the personalized mugs would elicit stronger reactions and while receivers showed no preference, givers chose the personalized ones.
But when the givers learned that they wouldn't be able to see the recipient's reaction? Their preference for gifts with a "wow" factor disappeared.
Researchers say our giving preferences are quite stubborn. Even if we try to imagine ourselves as receivers of gifts, we still choose flashy, unhelpful things.
So when you’re out shopping for last-minute gifts this year, even if you can't bring yourself to buy that book over those adorable elf slippers, remember how important your emotional reactions are to others who give gifts to you. So get ready to shout with joy over every gift you get — whether it's a flashy new toy or a sensible pair of socks.
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CODY: Today’s first last story was written by Kelsey Donk, and edited by Ashley Hamer, who’s the managing editor for Curiosity.com.
ASHLEY: Scriptwriting was by Cody Gough and Sonja Hodgen. Curiosity Daily is produced and edited by Cody Gough.
CODY: Join us again tomorrow to learn something new in just a few minutes.
ASHLEY: And until then, stay curious!